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2FA by SMS

Keep your company safe

and your customer data

Protect your business with advanced security

Secure, single-use SMS verification codes add reliable protection for your company and your customers. Keep your company and customer data safe with Technologies SMS world-class security services. Offer phone and MFA verification using time-based, SMS-delivered one-time access (OTP) codes.

80% of security breaches could have been prevented with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).

Security you can trust

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is the foundation of fraud prevention and account security. Ensure your customers and your platform are safe, secure and streamlined with easy-to-implement one-time passcodes (OTP) and MFA with SMS Technologies.

Increases customer confidence and raises awareness

Tecnologías SMS makes use of world-class protection systems that can ensure every SMS campaign has strong, robust and reliable security built in, using the latest Two-Factor Authentication protocols.

Safeguard your customer accounts

Prevent fraud and keep your customers and business secure. From new account sign-ups to customer sign-ins, enable MFA for critical interactions. Go one-step further and catch account takeover risks with SIM Swap and call forwarding detection and prevent communication fraud with IRSF intelligence.

Pin code generation

Tecnologías SMS has the back-end logic for PIN code generation. Each code is tied to an individual user and can only be used once.

Intelligent failover

Automatically resend PIN codes via Text-to-Speech to customers through a single API request without generating additional codes.


Tecnologías SMS omnichannel verification code delivery –Email, SMS, Viber, Voice-, reduces costs while significantly increasing delivery efficiency.


Send messages in your language. Tecnologías SMS supports Unicode, so you can communicate with users in their own language.

Grant privacy

Enable authentication without compromising privacy. Create a secure channel for delivering SMS messages to users.

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